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Tipo de documento: NORMA
Código de Doc.: AWS D1.8/D1.8M
Autor Inst.: American Welding Society. AWS
Fecha: 2009
País de Origen: US
Campo de Aplic.: Structural Welding Code. Applicable to welded joints in seismic load resisting systems designed in accordance with the Seismic Provisions of the American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. Covers additional controls on detailing, materials, workmanship, testing, and inspection necessary to achieve adequate performance of welded steel structures under conditions of severe earthquake-induced inelastic straining. Includes a commentary offering guidance on interpreting and applying this supplement
Relac. con otras Normas: AWS A 2.4; AWS A 3.0; AWS A 4.3; AWS A 5.01M/5.01; AWS A 5.1/A 5.1; AWS A 5.5./A 5.5M; AWS A 5.17/A 5.17M; AWS A 5.18/5.18M; AWS A 5.20/A 5.20M; AWS A 5.23/A 5.23M; AWS A 5.25/A 5.25M; AWS A 5.26/A 5.26M; AWS A 5.28/A 5.28M; AWS A 5.29/A 5.29M; AWS B 4.0; AWS B 5.1; AWS C 4.1; AWS D 1.1/D1.1M; AWS QC 1
Otros Códigos: ISBN 978-0-87171-754-2
Idioma: en
Edición: second edition
Notas: Supersedes AWS D1.8/D1.8M:2005
Palabras Clave: Soldadura; Estructuras soldadas; Juntas; Resistencia sísmica; Estructuras antisísmicas; Sistema de fuerzas; Construcciones; Aceros; Movimiento de tierra; Requerimientos
Páginas: 113p.
Ingreso de la Info.: 2010-06-03

Tipo de documento: NORMA
Código de Doc.: AWS D 14.3/D 14.3M
Autor Inst.: American Welding Society. AWS
Fecha: 2005
País de Origen: United States
Objeto: This specification provides standards for producing structural welds used in the manufacture of earthmoving, construction, and agricultural equipment. Such equipment is defined as self-propelled, on- and off-highway machinery and associated implements. Manufacturerâ??s responsibilities are presented as they relate to the welding practices that have been proven successful within the industry in the production of weldments on this equipment. Basic dimensional weld details are defined and interpreted for application throughout the document. Provisions are made to identify base metals used in these weldments. Procedures to assure they are welded with compatible, identifiable welding processes and consumables are included with consideration given to factors that affect weldability
Relac. con otras Normas: AWS A2.4; AWS A3.0; AWS A5.01; AWS A5.1; AWS A5.5; AWS A5.17; AWS A5.18; AWS A5.20; AWS A5.23; AWS A5.25; AWS A 5.26; AWS A5.28; AWS A5.29; AWS A5.32; AWS B2.1; AWS B4.0; AWS B4.0M; AWS C4.1; AWS QC1; ASME B 46.1; ASTM E 23; ASTM E 94; ASTM E 164; ASTM E 165; ASTM E 317; ASTM A 435; ASTM E 709; ASTM E 1316; SNT-TC-1A
Idioma: en
Edición: 5th.edition
Notas: Supersedes ANSI/AWS D14.1-97
Palabras Clave: Soldadura; Estructuras soldadas; Construcciones; Movimiento de tierra; Equipos; Maquinaría agrícola
Páginas: 115p.
Ingreso de la Info.: 2009-11-12
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