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Término solicitado: ENSAYOS DE TURBIDEZ/(265,65,175)

1 Registro/s encontrado/s en CAT+NORMA

Tipo de documento: NORMA
Código de Doc.: ISO 7027
Autor Inst.: International Organization for Standardization. ISO
Fecha: 1999
Estado: Para datos sobre la vigencia de esta norma haga clic aquí
Objeto: This International Standard specifies four methods for the determination of turbidity of water. Two semiquantitative methods, employed for example in field work, are specified: a)measurement of tubidity using the transparency testing tube (applicable to pure and lightly polluted water); b) measurement of turbidity usiang the transparency testing disk (especially aplicable to surface water). Two quantitative methods, using optical turbidimeters, are specified: c) measurement of diffuse radiation, applicable to water of low turbidity (for example drinking water); d) measurement of the attenuation of a radiant flux, more applicable to highly turbid waters (for example waste or polluted waters)
Relac. con otras Normas: ISO 3864; ISO 5667-3; CIE Publication N§17:1987
ICS: 13.060.60
Idioma: en
Título en otro Idioma: Qualité de l'eau -- Détermination de la turbidité
Edición: third edition
Palabras Clave: Agua; Calidad; Análisis de agua; Métodos de ensayo; Métodos de determinación; Ensayos de turbidez; Turbidimetría; Contaminación del agua
Páginas: 16p.
Ingreso de la Info.: 2010-11-10


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