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Término solicitado: MANNATUNGA, KASUN SAMEERA/(22)

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Tipo de Docum.: artículo
Título: Data analysis and filter optimization for pulse-amplitude measurement : a case study on high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy
Autor: Mannatunga, Kasun Sameera; Valinoti, Bruno; Samayoa, Werner Florian; Crespo, Maria Liz; Cicuttin, Andres; Folla Kamdem, Jerome; Garcia, Luis Guillermo; Carrato, Sergio
Título Ser./Col.: Sensors, 22(13)
Autor Inst. Ser./Col.: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. MDPI. Basilea. Suiza
Idioma: eng
Datos de Edición: s.l. MDPI. 2022.
Pág./Vol.: 20p.
Descriptores: Procesamiento de datos; Pulsos; Espectroscopia de rayos X; Filtros
Resumen: In this study, we present a procedure to optimize a set of finite impulse response filter (FIR) coefficients for digital pulse-amplitude measurement. Such an optimized filter is designed using an adapted digital penalized least mean square (DPLMS) method. The effectiveness of the procedure is demonstrated using a dataset from a case study on high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy based on singlephoton detection and energy measurements. The energy resolutions of the Kα and Kβ lines of the Manganese energy spectrum have been improved by approximately 20%, compared to the reference values obtained by fitting individual photon pulses with the corresponding mathematical model.

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